
Friday, July 3, 2009


Living in Los Angeles is like living in some kind of alternate universe. A universe that's one big reality show. A universe where everyone lives off the fat of the land and eats lunch at outside cafes trying to become the next best thing as power agents walks the streets in hopes of making their afternoon meeting, as actors hurry to make their auditions, and as assistants are getting yelled because even though they placed the right lunch order, the wrong one came, and now their job is on the line. And somewhere out there, is me - an unemployed writer trying to make it out in Hollywood. Just like everybody else.

Then reality sets in, and I realize that I'm not the only one with a dream. I'm not the only one who has talent. There are a million kids out here just like me. Some with more talent, some with less, and some with a powerhouse father who can get them one simple meeting with the real Ari Gold, and bam, they are in. But for most of us, life isn't that easy. For most of us, life is about struggling. It's about trying to be happy, and trying to make something of ourselves.

Most people in this world have ordinary lives with jobs they don't like and have dreams they never pursued, well... just because. But the truth is, life is pretty crazy and you never know what's going to happen. If there's something you want to do - you should do it. If there's one thing I've learned from my aunts untimely death a couple of months ago, and the "Grey's Anatomy" season finale, it's that you have to live everyday as if tomorrow will never come. Life is unexpected. Life is short. You only get one, so it's your choice to make it anything but ordinary.

So as I drive down Sunset Boulevard, as I lay on the beaches in Malibu, or drive through the gates of a studio lot to an interview, I come to realize that I've made it. I'm not a famous writer just yet. Nor do I even have a job. But my whole life I always said I was going to move to Hollywood to pursue my dream, and now I'm finally doing it. For the first time in my life, I'm proud of myself. I'm happy. And for the first time, I really have absolutely no idea what's going to happen.

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