
Friday, June 12, 2009

Odd And Unique Contact Lenses

Odd And Unique Contact Lenses

Those of you who are looking for a wild, yet unique look would fall in love with the many designs of odd and crazy contact lenses. These contacts will give you a weird and unique look, depending on what you select. They are used in Hollywood in many movies, including horror movies to give the killers a strange and sadistic look.

Crazy contact lenses won’t correct your vision, as they are used only for styling purposes. They have zero power and are mainly used to provide entertainment and fun. Unlike other contact lenses, you don’t need a prescription for these. All you need to do is visit your local store that sells contact lenses, and select the pair that interest you. If you suffer any type of irritation or discomfort after you wear them, you shouldn’t hesitate to visit an optician before you suffer any type of permanent or further damage to your eyes.

For those interested, there many designs of odd and crazy contact lenses to choose from, including zebra style, flags, spirals, colors, and many other designs. They come in two main types, monthly and standard. Monthly are very flexible, and you can use them for a month before you have to change them out. Standard on the other hand, ensure the best in comfort and can be worn long term for up to 18 months before they need to be replaced.

Even though they don’t require a prescription, you should still take care of your crazy and wild contact lenses. They need to be cleaned before you use them, and soaked in solution when you take them out. Just like prescription contact lenses, you should always wash and clean your hands before you handle them. Although you may not realize it, not taking care of them (although they have zero power) could easily damage the health of your eyes and lead to serious infections.

If you need vision correction but want to wear a pair of crazy contact lenses, you should visit your optician and ask about wild lenses that have power. There are a few varieties of them, contacts that look crazy and offer you vision correction. Halloween contacts are the most common and most popular, as they offer you insane looks with corrective power. Even though they are mainly used during Halloween, you can wear them anytime you want to spook people or just mess with them.

If you are tired of being like everyone else and sticking with traditional contact lenses, or if you just want to mess with your family and friends, crazy and unique contact lenses are worth the purchase. They offer you plenty of creative and unique designs that are certain to make people take a second look into your eyes. Although most have no power, you use them the same way as traditional contact lenses. They go in your eyes and they are removed the same way, and need to be cleaned when they aren’t in use.

Available at great prices, crazy contact lenses are a great investment for anyone who wants to enhance the look of their eyes. Keep in mind that they can lead to severe problems if they aren’t taken care of, which is why you should always use caution and make sure that you know how to take care of them. If you aren’t sure about what to get, you can always visit an optician and have your eyes fitted for contact lenses. Even though you may not need contacts - an optician can tell you which contacts will work with your eyes.

Products For Cleaning Your Contacts

No matter what type of contacts you have, you’ll need to clean them on a regular basis. Normally, you should clean them at night when you take them out. If you have night and day contact lenses, you’ll need to take them out on a regular basis and clean them. There are a few products you can use to clean your contacts, which we will look at below.

1. Saline
Saline is a common product for rinsing contacts, most used for storing and rinsing your lenses. When you take your contacts out at night, you’ll normally put them in saline solution. Even though it is perfect for storing and rinsing your contacts, it should never be used to clean or disinfect them.

2. Daily cleaner solution
Daily cleaner is used to clean your contacts. Simply place a few drops of the cleaner in the center of your hand and then rub the lens gently in the solution. You should rub the contact around for about 30 seconds, ensuring that you clean both sides. When you need to rinse and disinfect them, simply use other products that are designed for that purpose.

3. Multipurpose solution
This is about the best type of solution you can get for your contacts, as it cleans, rinses, disinfects, and stores your lenses. You can do everything with this type of solution, including soaking your lenses at night. Once you have finished cleaning your contacts, simply rinse them with this same solution and they will be ready to wear. With multipurpose solution, you won’t need any other products.

4. Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a solution that cleans, disinfects, stores, and rinses your contacts. You don’t need to rub your contacts in the solution, simply allow them a few minutes to soak. Hydrogen peroxide is a no rub solution, and contains chemicals that doesn’t burn your eyes. Before you put the contact lenses into your eyes, you should always rinse them with another produce first.

5. Cleaning and disinfecting
As the names imply, this is for both disinfecting and cleaning your contacts. Cleaning is normally achieved by either ultrasonic waves or agitation, where the disinfecting is done by multipurpose solution or UV light. The instructions for the brand you selected will be on the bottle, and you should always follow them to avoid damage to your eyes or your contacts.

6. Enzymatic cleaners
These types of cleaners are ideal for removing protein on your contacts, normally on a weekly basis. They come in the form of tablets, which you can use with either disinfecting or saline solution to clean the protein from your contacts.

7. Protein removers
These products come in the form of liquid, and remove the protein from your contact lenses on a daily basis. They can be used with multipurpose solution as well, as they will get all of the protein buildup off your contacts. To use daily protein remover products, simply add your normal solution to your case, then add a drop or two of the remover to your solution and put your contacts in.

8. Eye drops
Eye drops are a common commodity with contact lenses. They lubricate your eyes, re-wet your contact lenses, and help to give you relief from dryness. When you choose your eye drops, make sure you select a brand that is safe to use. This way, you won’t experience any problems when you start using the drops.

There are other products you can use with your contacts, although the above are the most common and the most popular. You can find these products in your local department store, at great prices as well. If you wear contacts - you should never be without your cleaning supplies.

Putting In And Removing Contact Lenses

If you are new to contact lenses, there are 2 things that you will need to overcome - putting your contacts in and taking them out. Even though you may have got in some practice with your doctor during your fitting exam, you’ll find things to be totally different once you step in front of your mirror at home and try to do it by yourself.

The first thing you’ll notice is that it can be tricky to put your contacts in. If you are putting them in for the first time, it can be a little tricky getting them in your eye. With a few days or a few weeks to practice, you’ll be more than comfortable with your lenses. Always keep in mind that no one is perfect, it takes all of us time to get good at it. Below, are a few tips that will help you with inserting and removing your contacts.

Putting your contacts in
Before you put your hands on your contacts, you should make sure that you clean your hands thoroughly, and that you dry them off. Once your hands are clean, sit the contact lens on your index finger. Next, place a drop of solution in the center of the lens. Now, use your other hand and pull down your lower eye lid with your thumb then look up with the eye you will be inserting the contact lens into.

Take your index finger with the contact on it and place it into your eye. Don’t close your eye immediately, rather leave it open a few seconds to let the contact settle. After a few seconds, close your eye and your contact should be perfectly in place. If it feels uncomfortable, take it out and try again. It may take you a few tries, although the more you put them in the better you’ll get at it.

Taking your contacts out
Same as before, you want to make sure that your hands are clean and dry. When you are ready to take them out, look up with your eye then use your fingers to grab the contact by the sides and pull it out. You can normally get it out on the first try, with a little practice. Once the contact is out, blink a few times to clear your eyes. If it doesn’t want to come out, put some drops in your eye to moisten it up, then try again.

Contact lenses are a great innovation to vision correction, and they are easier to use than most people may think. Once you have worn contacts for a few days or a few weeks, you’ll find that it becomes second nature to put them in and take them out. Once you have got the hang of it, you’ll be able to put them in and remove them in a matter of seconds.

Switching To Contact Lenses

Switching from glasses to contact lenses is easier than you may think. Contact lenses are the preferred alternative to vision correction these days, offering you the vision enhancement you need at a price you can afford. There are a lot of things you’ll to need to know about your contacts, although they are far superior to the traditional correction of glasses.

The first thing you’ll need to do when getting contact lenses is to visit your optician and be fitted for the lenses. Your optician will give you a prescription for your contacts, examine the health of your eyes, and tell you which type of contacts will work the best for you. He or she can also tell you which contacts are best for your budget as well.

These days, there are several contact lenses to choose from. You have many different manufacturers as well, offering many different types, colors, and styles. Not all are suitable for you though, as no 2 eyes are the same. When you get fitted for your contact lenses, your optician will be able to help you make that decision.

When you first start wearing your contacts, you should never wear them for extended periods of time. Contacts will need some time to adjust to your eyes, and your eyes will need some time to rest. If you wear them too long when you start wearing them, they can harm your eyes. Your optician will tell you what he recommends, which is normally a few hours during the day then take them out. With each passing day, you can wear them for longer periods until your eyes gradually adjust.

Another aspect that will take some getting used to, that you don’t face with glasses, is knowing how to handle your contact lenses. You’ll need to make sure that your hands are clean before you handle your contacts, to avoid scratching or damaging the lenses. When you take your contacts out or put them in your eyes, you’ll need to handle them - which requires your hands to be clean.

Something you may experience with your new contacts is dry eyes. Dryness in the eyes when wearing contacts is very common, and should be expected. When wearing glasses, this is one problem you won’t have. If your eyes start to dry out when wearing your contacts, you should put a few drops of re-wetting or saline solution in your eyes. These drops will help to moisten your eyes and give you some relief from the irritation that dryness causes.

Although glasses need to be cleaned frequently, contact lenses need to be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis. Protein will build up on the surface of the contacts, requiring them to be cleaned with a disinfecting or multi-purpose solution. The easiest way to do this is to soak your contacts in the solution when you go to sleep at night. This way, you can wake up in the morning and your contact lenses will be ready to wear.

All in all, contact lenses are preferred over glasses. You’ll need to change them out though, normally every couple of weeks. Changing them out with a fresh pair will make your eyes feel refreshed, and keep you from getting infections. Contact lenses are great for virtually anyone, and they can give you a full range of sight. They won’t hang off your face like glasses - yet they will give the freedom in knowing that you can do virtually any activity you choose.

The Types Of Contact Lenses

Even though they are great for your eyes, all contact lenses aren’t equal. Although your doctor will help you select the best pair for your eyes, you should always know a little bit about the contacts that are available to choose from. All contact lenses can be separated depending on their wearing schedule, purpose, material, and over transparency.

Contacts can be separated or best determined by their material. Contacts are divided into two main groups - soft and rigid (hard). Soft lenses are gas permeable to a certain extent, being further categorized by the amount of water they contain. Soft contacts can have either a low, which is less than 50 percent moisture, or a high moisture content, which is more than 50 percent. Rigid or hard contacts on the other hand, are much harder in material and are considered to be gas permeable.

Wearing schedules
Hard contact lenses can last for months, possibly even years before they need to be replaced. Soft contacts on the other hand, have a schedule for replacement. Some may need to be removed every 2 weeks, monthly, or even daily. The more advanced contact lenses, such as Night and Day contacts, will allow you to wear them all day and all night. Just like other contacts however, you will still need to clean them on a regular basis to ensure that the protein is removed.

Contact lens designs
The designs for contacts are divided into three areas - toric, spherical, and multi-focal. Toric lenses are for those who have astigmatism, spherical is for short sightedness, and the correction of long sightedness, and multi-focal contact lenses are used in the correction of presbyopia. All three designs have their distinct purpose, and you should always ask your optician before you rush out and buy one.

Many different purposes
As you may already know, contact lenses serve different purposes as well. They can be optical, therapeutic, cosmetic or decorative. Optical are the most common, as they are for the correction of vision and anomalies you have may have. Therapeutic lenses are normally soft contacts that serve to protect your cornea. They are also used as a reservoir for certain medicines that are used to treat various cornea diseases and malfunctions.

Decorative contact lenses are basically color contacts that produce various effects, such as rainbow colors, cat’s eyes, and so on. Cosmetic on the other hand, are meant to change the overall appearance of your eyes. Most types of cosmetic contact lenses are designed to enhance your overall eye color.

The type for you
With there being several different types of contacts available on the market, you should consult with your optician to find out which are the best for you. If you don’t have astigmatism, you certainly wouldn’t want to get toric lenses. If you don’t know anything about contact lenses, you may end up doing your eyes more harm than good. Contact lenses are designed to correct your vision and often times protect your eyes, which is why you want to choose them carefully.

If you pick your contact lenses carefully, you’ll get the best type for your eyes. Your optician will give you his recommendations during your fitting exam, and go over how you should care for your new contacts. This way, even if you are new to the world of contacts, you’ll know what you should and shouldn’t do. With the right type of contacts for your eyes - you’ll find vision to be a new and exciting world.

Tips For Buying Contact Lenses

There are some people out there who wonder why people spend money on expensive contact lenses or expensive glasses. If you’ve never worn glasses or contacts, then chances are that you have really good vision. On the other hand, those that don’t have really good vision will need to get either contact lenses or glasses in order to have near perfect vision.

Contact lenses, in most cases, will drastically improve your vision without having to get glasses, which is reason enough to invest in a pair of contacts. They are very lightweight, and they offer you a full range of sight and mobility. Unlike wearing glasses, contacts don’t hang on your face - when you wear them others won’t able to tell. If you wear glasses, you may want to look into getting a pair of contact lenses.

You can buy contact lenses in several different ways. You can order them online, which is what most people tend to do. Companies such as offer hundreds of contacts and prescriptions, which they deliver right to your door. When you order online you can get a great price, and then have the contacts brought right to you - with no travel or waiting in line required to get your contact lenses when you need them.

You can also purchase your contacts at your opticians office as well. Buying this way is a great decision if you don’t have access to the Internet. You can also purchase at a local store that sells contacts and glasses, such as Wal-Mart. The prices are great here as well, as they offer a variety of different contacts for those who need them. You can also buy solution here as well, making it well worth the trip to get your contact lenses.

If you shop around, you can normally find some great deals for your lenses. Depending on the brand and type your optician prescribed, the prices will vary. If you are buying the latest and greatest brands of contacts, you can obviously count on the price to be a bit higher. This is to be expected, as contacts cost the most when they first come out and are available for purchase.

Several people who need contacts will want them, although they think bad things and normally don’t end up purchasing them - choosing to go with glasses instead. Contrary to what many think, contacts don’t get stuck behind your eyes, nor do they damage your eyes when you wear them. If this was indeed the case, contacts wouldn’t be legal to sell - or recommended by top opticians.

In order to buy contacts, you’ll need a prescription. When you go to an optician for the fitting process, he will examine your eyes and let you know if you can wear contacts. There are a few types, such as soft and hard. Depending on your eyes, you may have to get a special type of contact lens. The optician will give you his recommendation, and tell you everything you need to know and do for the contacts that he will give you a prescription for.

If your vision is bad, or if you just want to ditch the glasses, you should look into a pair of contact lenses. They are very affordable, easy to take care of, and easy to use. You can wear them during the day, then take them out at night - or get a pair that you can wear night and day. They won’t stick out like glasses, as it is very hard to tell if someone is wearing contacts. With many ways to buy them - contact lenses are the best option for those with not so great vision.

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